Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Do's & Don'ts of Spring Break

As many would say, anything goes on spring break right? Wrong. Even though the purpose of the whole trip is to have a one of a kind experience doing things you've never done before, you must first and foremost be aware of the do's and don'ts of spring break. The Official Guide To Spring break has compiled a list for all of you future spring break goers of all the things you should and shouldn't do on your getaway.

DO DRINK LOTS OF WATER! Dehydration and constant alcohol consumption are certainly not a match made in heaven. Excessive alcohol consumption means excessive urination, which means removing lots of water from your body. This results in dehydration. Drinking water while you drink alcohol also helps control how much you actually drink. We recommend drinking 24oz. of water before you start drinking alcohol, and one glass of water per alcohol beverage thereafter. Also, eat after you drink!

DON'T FORGET YOUR SUNSCREEN! Most spring break destinations are normally outside in a beach setting or out somewhere under the sun. We don't know about you, but sunburns are NOT sexy, and niether is skin cancer. If you are looking to get a tan, make sure that you tell someone to wake you up just in case you fall asleep, or even set an alarm on your phone. This will prevent you from getting cooked in the sun, or having half of your body extremely darker than the other half.

DON'T BE CARELESS ABOUT YOUR BELONGINGS! Don't trust strangers with your stuff, or strangers period for that matter! There are a whole bunch of creepy locals lurking around looking for inebriated tourists to prey on. If you want your stuff to come back home with you, you'll keep it on you 100% of the time.

DON'T BE ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Honestly we all know you're having a great time, but is it really necessary to take a picture of your nachos to prove to everyone it's yummy? Save the mementoes for afterwards, when you look back on your vacation. Being on social media during spring break will prevent you from enjoying the moment.

DON'T GET ARRESTED! Unless you want to explain to mommy and daddy why they need to fly to Cancun, Mexico to bail you out of jail, BE SMART! You are not above the law just because you're a tourist. Unnecessary fighting or even public urination will get you on the express lane to jail. Remember to NEVER drive drunk. Refrain and use your brain.

DO BUDGET YOUR MONEY! Use your money wisely, and don't go spending it on stupid things that you don't need like sea shells or hermit crabs. Spend it on stuff you definitely need like water and sunscreen. Always have an emergency fund just in case, especially if you're really far from home. You never know what can happen.

DO KEEP SAFETEY FIRST! Don't try things that could get you hurt like trying to be the cool guy and jumping off of any heights, or lighting things on fire. These kind of random acts could lead to serious injuries or damages. Also ladies, it is not a smart idea to roam off with a strange group of guys by yourself. We've all seen the movies.

DO TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES! You will want to remember this spring break, and those to come, so don't forget to take plenty of pictures to capture the memories. Take pictures that you'll appreciate in the long run, not millions of those close up pictures of yourself that no one cares about. These pictures will last you a lifetime, so capture you enjoying yourself with your friends.

We hope our list of the do's and don'ts of spring break will help you have a super fun and safe spring break! Remember it's only a week long so take advantage of the fun while it lasts, because it'll be gone before you know it!

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